Article Summarization with Simplification

Summarization with simplification

Long sentences can be found in sophisticated documents, study materials, and subject-related articles. They must be thoroughly studied and comprehended, with no single sentence being missed.

Extractive summarizers can choose to include or exclude such sentences, potentially adding hundreds of unnecessary words to the summary.

You require a tool that allows you to study quickly and comprehend each point in the content.


Every sentence should be summarised and simplified by the summarizer.

Need for summarization with simplification

Sophisticated documents, study material, and subject-related articles can contain unusually long sentences. One has to study them and comprehend them well, without missing a single sentence.

Extractive summarizers can select such sentences—potentially adding hundreds of unnecessary words to the summary—or exclude them and lose important content.

You need a tool through which you can study fast as well as understand every point in the content very fast. The summarizer should summarize and simplify every single sentence.

How to summarize text automatically?

Long and complex sentences

Examples for long and complex sentences (collected from the Internet):

  • “The success of the vaccination rollout, alongside falling infections and hospitalizations, is paving the way for the safe and gradual lifting of restrictions.”
  • “As restrictions ease and the economy is gradually and safely reopened, the Government will carefully tailor the level of support to individuals and businesses to reflect the changing circumstances.”
  • “As lockdown passed month two, people talked more and more about their longing to see family members outside their household in person and, in particular, about missing the physical touch of loved ones.”

Cut the Clutter with an Online Text Summarizer

How does Intellippt summarize

Intellippt AI summarizer has 2 modes:

  1. With sentence split
  2. Without sentence split

With the sentence split option, the sentences which are longer than 150 letters are split and then summarized. The summary looks like this.

Actual Sentence Summarization with split Summarization without split
The success of the vaccination rollout, alongside falling infections and hospitalizations, is paving the way for the safe and gradual lifting of restrictions. Vaccine rollout success, fall in infections: Study. paving way for safe and gradual lifting of restrictions. Vaccine rollout paving way for lifting restrictions.
As restrictions ease and the economy is gradually and safely reopened, the Government will carefully tailor the level of support to individuals and businesses to reflect the changing circumstances. As restrictions ease, economy reopens. Government will carefully tailor support. As restrictions ease, economy reopens. Government will carefully tailor support.
As lockdown passed month two, people talked more and more about their longing to see family members outside their household in person and, in particular, about missing the physical touch of loved ones. People long for family in person as lockdown ends. Missing physical touch of loved ones: Studyers. Lockdown prompted more longing to see family.

Top 10 applications of Automatic Summarization tool

More examples of long and complex sentences

Internet literature, which is used on the websites does not have complex sentences. They looks like this:

This helps UK employers as they will be able to hire HPI visa holders without paying their sponsorship fees. After arriving in the UK, visa holders can apply for jobs in any industry.

But, the text in the articles, summaries, books, and study material is different. For example:

The message could be endorsed by actor Tom Hanks, celebrity Kim Kardashian, a prominent government official from the survey-taker’s country or Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland.

Summarization of such long sentences needs a special tool like AI-powered summarizer from Intellippt.

Summary of above sentence can be:

Tom Hanks, Kim Kardashian could endorse message. Or Anthony Fauci, director of US NIH.


How does AI-summarizer work?

Whether you’re reading an academic essay, a corporate report, or a blog, you might wish to read it quickly without missing any sentences. Intellippt breaks up long sentences and abridges them. So you can go through the material quickly.

There is a need for text simplification. Most university articles and study materials have long and complex sentences. Understanding them is not an easy task. The sentences are broken down into multiple small sentences and simplified.

Intellippt AI summarizer does this job very well. It simplifies every sentence using the technique mentioned above.

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